Conceptul nostru de business, acela de servicii integrate, aduce langa serviciile juridice si servicii din sfera financiar-contabila. Astfel, intreprinzatorii au la dispozitie personal specializat in evidenta contabila si consultanti fiscali cu experienta.

Societatea Reinvent Finance Consulting, membra a Grupului REINVENT, se bucura de recunoasterea competentei profesionale din partea Corpului Expertilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din Romania (CECCAR), fiind inscrisa si in Registrul Consultantilor Fiscali Autorizati din Romania.

Din acest fapt decurg in mod direct mai multe avantaje importante, trei garantii esentiale privind serviciile pe care le oferim: garantia competentei, garantia moralitatii si garantia calitatii.

In primul rand, acest lucru este garantia ca serviciile furnizate prin intermediul Compartimentului Financiar-Contabil au in spate persoane cu pregatire deosebita, care au parcurs procedurile prevazute de Regulamentul CECCAR privind accesul la profesia de expert contabil si contabil autorizat, au urmat programele aferente stagiului si au promovat examenul de aptitudini.

Tarife standard pentru societati cu activitate de prestari servicii

Standard rates for service provision companies

Firma neplatitoare de TVA:
fara activitate: 235 RON
no activity: 235 RON
pana la 10 documente lunar: 350 RON
up to 10 documents/month: 350 RON
pana la 20 de documente lunar: 475 RON
up to 20 documents/ month: 475 RON
pana la 30 de documente lunar: 650 RON
up to 30 documents/ month: 650 RON
pana la 50 de documente lunar: 800 RON
up to 50 documents/ month: 800 RON
pana la 100 de documente lunar: 1000 RON
up to 100 documents/ month: 1000 RON
pana la 200 de documente lunar: 1500 RON
up to 200 documents/ month: 1500 RON
pana la 300 de documente lunar: 2250 RON
up to 300 documents/ month: 2250 RON
pana la 400 de documente lunar: 2800 RON
up to 400 documents/ month: 2800 RON
pana la 500 de documente lunar: 3500 RON
up to 500 documents/ month: 3500 RON

Firma platitoare de TVA:
fara activitate: 250 RON
no activity: 250 RON
pana la 10 documente lunar: 400 RON
up to 10 documents/month: 400 RON
pana la 20 de documente lunar: 550 RON
up to 20 documents/ month: 550 RON
pana la 30 de documente lunar: 725 RON
up to 30 documents/ month: 725 RON
pana la 50 de documente lunar: 875 RON
up to 50 documents/ month: 875 RON
pana la 100 de documente lunar: 1100 RON
up to 100 documents/ month: 1100 RON
pana la 200 de documente lunar: 1600 RON
up to 200 documents/ month: 1600 RON
pana la 300 de documente lunar: 2400 RON
up to 300 documents/ month: 2400 RON
pana la 400 de documente lunar: 3000 RON
up to 400 documents/ month: 3000 RON
pana la 500 de documente lunar: 3700 RON
up to 500 documents/ month: 3700 RON

!!!! Pentru plata in avans pe 6 luni – 20 % reducere la orice pachet de servicii contabile
!!!! Pentru plata in avans pe 1 an – 35 % reducere la orice pachet de servicii contabile

!!! For advance payment for 6 months -20% discount on any package of accounting services
!!! For advance payment for 12 months -35% discount on any package of accounting services

Peste 500 documente lunar se tarifeaza separat fiecare nota contabila = 2,5 lei per nota contabila.
In excess of 500 documents per month, each accounting note is charged separately = 2,5 lei per accounting note.

Intocmire Bilant interimar: 450 RON
Preparation of interim balance sheet: 450 RON

Intocmire bilant anual/ semestrial:
Elaboration of annual/semester balance sheet:

Fara venituri: 600 RON

Without income: 600 RON

Microentitati ( Cifra de afaceri < RON 100.000 ): 700 RON

Small entities ( Turnover < RON 100.000): 700 RON

Microentitati (RON 100.001 < Cifra de Afaceri > RON 200.000): 900 RON

Small entities ( RON 100.001< Turnover > RON 200.000: 900 RON

Microentitati ( RON 200.001 < Cifra de Afaceri > RON 3.000.000): 1.200 RON

Small entities ( RON 200.001 < Turnover > RON 3.000.000): 1.200 RON

Entitati mici (nu depasesc limitele a cel putin doua dintre urmatoarele criterii: total active : 17.500.000 lei; CA : 35.000.000 lei; Nr. salariati: sub 50 ): 1.850 RON

Small entities (do not exceed limits of at least two of the following criteria: total assets: 17,500,000 RON; turnover: 35,000,000 RON; number of employees: 50): 1.850 RON

Entitati mijlocii si mari ( depasesc limitele a cel putin doua dintre urmatoarele criterii: total active: 17.500.000 RON; CA: 35.000.000 RON, nr. salariati: 50 ): 2.600 RON

Medium entities and larger entities (beyond the limits of at least two of the following criteria: totalassets: 17.500.000 RON; turnover: 35.000.000 RON; number of employees: 50): 2.600 RON

Intocmire bilant lichidare pentru situatia lichidarii voluntare a societatii: 1800 RON + TVA
Winding-up balance sheet preparation for company liquidation:1800 RON + VAT

Intocmire declaratie unica, grad complexitate mic/ mediu: 300 RON
Preparation of unique statement of low/medium complexity: 300 RON

Intocmire declaratie unica, grad complexitate ridicat (venituri din investitii, cryptomonede, chirii etc.): 500-700 RON
Preparation of unique statement of high complexity (income from investments, cryptocurrencies, rents etc.): 500-700 RON

Consultanta financiar-contabila si fiscala: 325 RON / 30 minute
Financial-accounting and tax consultancy: 325 RON / 30 minute

Depunere declaratii rectificative ca urmare a predarii cu intarziere a documentelor contabile: 150 RON / declaratie rectificativa depusa.
Submission of corrective statements as a result of late delivery of the accounting documents: 150 RON / submitted corrective statement.

Obtinere spatiu virtual privat SPV PF/PJ: 250 RON
Obtainment SPV PF/PJ: 250 RON

Achizitie Registru Unic de Control: 150 RON
Purchase of the Unique Control Register: 150 RON

Depunere declaratii fiscale speciale (INTRASTAT, FOND MEDIU, CASA DE MARCAT, OSS, IOSS, DECLARATII STATISTICE ETC): incepand de la 200 RON

Inregistrare si creare cont pe diverse platforme- CPPI (compensari electronice), SEAP (licitatii publice) sau sisteme declarative- RO-Transport, RO-E-Factura, MOSS: 300 RON
Registration and account creation on various platforms- CPPI (electronic compensation), SEAP (public tenders) or declaration systems- RO-Transport, RO-E-Invoice, MOSS: 300 RON

Obtinere certificate diverse (certificat atestare fiscala/ cazier fiscal/ certificat de rezidenta fiscala  etc): 300 RON
Obtainment of various certificates (tax clearance certificate/tax fraud record/ residency certificates etc.): 300 RON

Obtinere certificat DITL ( certificat atestare fiscala/ cazier fiscal etc): 500 RON
Incepand cu al doilea certificat pe aceeasi firma (daca a fost facut deja unul cu procura): 300 RON
Obtaining a DITL certificate (fiscal certification/fiscal record etc.): 500 RON
Starting with the second certificate for the same company (if one has already been made with a power of attorney): 300 RON

Obtinere cod EORI: 300 RON
Obtain EORI code: 300 RON

Obtinere regim derogatoriu: 300 RON
Obtaining a derogatory regime: 300 RON

Consultantii nostri va stau la dispozitie de Luni pana Vineri intre orele 09:00-17:30 la numarul (021) 318.69.60 sau 0720.370.029

Sediul central situat in: Str. Dealul Tugulea, nr. 77, sector 6 sau la unul din sediile secundare:

  • Birou Sector 1: Zona Promenada Mall – intersectie strada Avionului cu strada Aripilor – telefon: 0733.050.462.
  • Birou Sector 3: Langa Registrul Comertului (Piata Muncii, Bucuresti) – telefon: 0733.050.051.
  • Birou Sector 3: Bulevardul Basarabia nr.256 G, etaj 7 – telefon: 0733.054.904.
  • Birou Sector 4: Strada Podul Inalt nr.6, zona Berceni – telefon: 0733.054.287.
  • Birou Județ Ilfov: Chitila, pe DN7, Strada Banatului nr.4 – telefon: 0733.054.293.

Infiintare PFI: 600 RON
PFI esteblishment: 600 RON

Inregistrare PFA ANAF: 300 RON
PFA registration at ANAF: 300 RON

Suspendare PFA/PFI ANAF: 300 RON
ANAF PFA/PFI suspension: 300 RON

Radiere PFA/ PFI la ANAF: 300 RON - tarif pentru firmele cu abonament de evidenta contabila
Closing PFA ANAF: 300 RON - rate for companies with accounting subscription

Radiere PFA/ PFI la ANAF: 600 RON - tarif pentru firmele fara abonament de evidenta contabila
Closing PFA ANAF: 600 RON - rate for companies without an accounting subscription

Inregistrare formular 168 ( contracte inchiriere): 300 RON
Registration of form 168 (rental contracts): 300 RON

Intocmire si depunere dosar de inregistrare in scopuri de TVA: 600 RON
Preparation and submission of VAT registration file: 600 RON

Schimbare certificat TVA: 300 RON
Change VAT certificate: 300 RON

Declaratie deinregistrare/renuntare cod TVA: 300 RON
VAT code unregistering/waiver: 300 RON

Reinregistrare in scopuri de TVA – TVA anulat: 600 RON
Obtaining a canceled VAT code: 600 RON

Intocmire si depunere documentatie inregistrare Cod Special TVA: 300 RON
Preparation and submission of the registration documentation Special VAT: 300 RON

Anulare cod special de TVA: 300 RON
Cancellation of special VAT code: 300 RON

Declaratia 700 pentru alte modificari decat cele de mai sus: 150 RON
Declaration 700 for changes other than those above: 150 RON

Intocmire si depunere cerere esalonare obligatii bugetare: 300 RON

Preparation and submission of request for staggered budgetary obligations: 300 RON

Asistenta Rambursare TVA: 1% din valoarea acceptata la rambursare dar nu mai putin de 500 RON
VAT Reimbursement Assistance: 1% of the amount accepted for reimbursement but not less than 500 RON

Intocmire si redactare Manual de politici si proceduri contabile: 500 RON
Preparation and drafting of the Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual: 500 RON

Lucrari specifice pentru participarea la licitatii publice de oferte: 580 RON
Specific works for the participation in public tenders: 580 RON

Analiza financiar-contabila asupra activitatii economice: 500 RON/ora
Financial-accounting analysis on the economic activity: 500 RON/ ora

Obtinere NUI pentru casa de marcat din SPV: 300 RON
Obtaining NUI for the cash register from SPV: 300 RON

Intocmire formular 177: 300 RON
Preparation of form 177: 300 RON

Intocmirea dosarului de inventariere pe baza listelor de inventariere furnizate de Beneficiar-client, cu ocazia incheierii exercitiului financiar precum si a operatiunilor de reorganizare, lichidare, fuziune sau divizare, si la cererea clientului: 300 RON pentru societatile ce nu detin bunuri corporale in patrimoniu, 500 RON pentru toate celelalte cazuri
Preparation of the inventory file, based on the inventory lists provided by the Beneficiary-customer, at the end of the financial year, as well as based on the restructuring, winding-up, merger or de-merger operations, and upon the customer’s request: 300 RON for companies with no tangible assets in their estate, 500 RON for all other cases

Intocmire si redactare Manual de politici si proceduri contabile: 500 RON
Preparation and drafting of the Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual: 500 RON

Depunere cerere reactivare fiscala in SPV (include analiza situatie fiscala): 500 RON
Submission of request for fiscal reactivation in SPV (includes fiscal situation analysis): 500 RON

Fiscalizare casa marcat: 500 RON
Fiscal activation (fiscalization) of cash register: 500 RON

Intocmire si depunere dosar in vederea obtinerii CIF pentru punctele de lucru cu minim 5 salariati: 300 RON
Preparation and submission documentation for obtaining the tax code (CIF) for operational offices with 5 or more employees: 300 RON

Servicii salarizare lunara (serviciile includ intocmire stat salarii, fluturasi, recapitulatie, ordine de plata taxe, intocmire si depunere declaratie 112)
Payroll services per month (includes preparation of salary statements, flyers, recapitulation, tax payment order, preparation and submission of declaration 112)

Deschidere C.I.M. standard: 90 RON

Opening of standard employee’s contract: 90 RON

Incetare contract salariat: 90 RON

Closure of employee’s contract: 90 RON

Deschidere C.I.M.telemunca per salariat: 110 RON

Opening C.I.M. telework per employee: 110 RON

Inregistrare contract mandat: 100 RON

Mandate contract registration: 100 RON

Intocmire declaratie privind calculul si retinerea impozitului pe venit pe fiecare beneficiar de venit D205: 55 RON - tarif pentru firmele fara abonament de evidenta contabila

Preparation of the return on the computation and withholding of the income tax per taxpaying employee D205: 55 RON - rate applied to new customers - rate for companies without an accounting subscription

Tarif lunar servicii salarizare pana la 5 angajati inclusiv: 100 RON
Monthly rate for payroll services for up to 5 employees including: 100 RON

Tarif lunar servicii salarizare inre 6 si 10 angajati: 85 RON
Monthly rate for payroll services between 6 and 10 employees: 85 RON

Tarif lunar servicii salarizare inre 11 si 20 angajati: 75 RON
Monthly rate for payroll services between 11 and 20 employees: 75 RON

Decizie suspendare Contract Individual de Munca: 65 RON
Decision to suspend the Individual Employment Contract: 65 RON
Contract Individual de Munca suspendat/ luna completa: 75 RON
Suspended Individual Employment contract/full month: 75 RON

D700 luare/scoatere din evidenta salariati: 150 RON
D700 taking/removing from the employee record

Intocmire adeverinta medic familie/spital: 40 RON
Drafting certificates for family physician/hospital: 40 RON

Intocmirea altor tipuri de adeverinte in functie de complexitate: 75-150 RON
Preparation of other types of certificates depending on the complexity: 75-150 RON

Intocmire fisa postului: 150 RON
Drafting the job description: 150 RON

Intocmire Regulament Ordine Interioara: 1000 RON
Preparation of Internal Regulations: 1000 RON

Depunere/inregistrare declaratii privind obligatiile de plata la bugetul asigurarilor pentru somaj in situatia in care Beneficiarul beneficiaza de subventii pentru salariati – 85 RON / salariat subventionat.

Submission/registration of statements on the payment obligations to the unemployment insurance budget in case that the Beneficiary benefits from subsidies for the employees – RON 85 / subsidized employee.

Obtinere utilizator si parola ITM: 150 RON.

Obtainment of user ID and password for the Territorial Work Inspectorate: 150 RON

Obtinere NIF pentru cetateni straini: 500 RON

Obtainment of NIF (fiscal identification number) for foreign citizens: 500 RON

Aviz/ permis de munca: 500 EURO

Work permit: 500 EURO

Obtinere formular A1/ S1: 750 EURO

Obtain form A1/S1: 750 EURO

Intocmire si depunere dosar privind rezidenta fiscala: 1000 RON.

Preparation and submission documentation for establishing fiscal residence: 1000 RON

Deplasare pentru ridicare acte: 100 RON per deplasare pe raza municipiului Bucuresti, iar pentru deplasarile in alte orase tariful se stabileste de comun acord in functie de distanta.

Travel for picking up documents: 100 RON/ travel within Bucharest Municipality, provided that the rate shall be mutually agreed for other cities, depending on the distance.


Taxa aferenta certificarii bilantului si situatiilor financiare, decont anual al impozitului pe profit (D101), decontare TVA cu optiune de rambursare, precum si alte declaratii si rapoarte fiscale decat cele mentionate mai sus, aferente misiunilor de certificare efectuate de consultantul fiscal*.

Fee related to the certification of the balance sheet and financial statements, annual return on the profit tax (D101), return on the VAT with reimbursement option, and other tax returns and reports than the above-mentioned ones, related to the certification assignments performed by the tax consultant fiscal*.

Transmitere facturi in RO-Transport, RO-E-Factura*
Sending invoices in RO-Transport, RO-E-Invoice*

Tarif asistenta specialitate pe durata controlului inclusiv pentru rambursari de TVA*

 Fee related to the specialized support provided during the audit, including for VAT reimbursements*.

Intocmire si depunere documentatie pentru aplicare la diverse masuri finantare tip microgrant*

Preparation and submission of documentation for application to various financing measures such as microgrant*

Evidenta analitica proiecte fonduri europene*

Analytical record of European funds projects*

*Tarifele se se stabilesc in functie de complexitatea lucrarii respective

*The rates are determined depending on the complexity of the relevant work

*Toate tarifele sunt exprimate in RON, fara TVA

*All rates are expressed in RON, without VAT

Date contact

In cazul in care  doriti si alte detalii privind orice procedura,va asteptam sa ne scrieti pe adresa de e-mail: [email protected].

Daca v-ati hotarat, ne puteti gasi la oricare din sediile noastre:

  • Sediul central situat in: Str. Dealul Tugulea, nr. 77, sector 6 sau la unul din sediile secundare:
  • Birou Sector 1: Zona Promenada Mall – intersectie strada Avionului cu strada Aripilor – telefon: 0733.050.462.
  • Birou Sector 3: Langa Registrul Comertului (Piata Muncii, Bucuresti) – telefon: 0733.050.051.
  • Birou Sector 3: Bulevardul Basarabia nr.256 G, etaj 7 – telefon: 0733.054.904.
  • Birou Sector 4: Strada Podul Inalt nr.6, zona Berceni – telefon: 0733.054.287.
  • Birou Județ Ilfov: Chitila, pe DN7, Strada Banatului nr.4 – telefon: 0733.054.293.